The article is made of 8 sections. The part about America, with a gallery. The videos included blame all parties. It proves that our judgments mustn't be biased. The content represents my opinion. Yours is respected as well and actually, known. Thanks to your civilized manners if the respect is mutual.
The Egyptian Is A Celeb:
I am that celebrity whom you cheer for being the heroic
soldier, for being the religious man, for being the democratic leader, for
being the brutal traitor, for being the terrorist, for being a riot, for all
these roles.
I played each role. I was a riot in 25 January 2011, I am one of the army in 14
August 2013. I was one of whom got wounded by the Minister of Defense in 2012
and I am one of who were tortured in Rabaa Adweya. You can't believe this?
You're Egyptian too, right? Then you're a companion. You have been through each
role of these. Dare to deny it? Can you deny your tears with each news flash?
Then you have been there, yes, your feelings only, but this also counts.
played. How I'm a great actor to get all the roles precisely
real. An Oscar winner, I'm, ha?
The Narrator And The Listener:

I remember my teacher when he said "Egyptians have
their own talent to believe whatever is said. You can say they are the only
nation to whom you narrate a story and they know it's imaginary, still they cry
when the hero dies, cheer when the evilness has been destroyed, and may get
angry at you, the narrator, when you expose the mean twist of the story. That's
us. You can witness it now, while you are watching a movie, series or even a
football match. We're into whatever we watch with all our senses. They call it
'being emotional,' I would call it 'irrationality' a bit."
I recalled this, cause we have this as an instinct for real. We watch, we
believe, we feel. We almost act unconsciously as the main role of the whole
Present Declarations And Dreamy Reactions:

It's 16 of August, it's declared by Ikhwani... unknown
activists as far as I know, that it would be "the day of rage" and it
would be comparable to 28th of January. Tamarod said we should get to the
street and secure our houses. I am against that. It's like triggering the
protesters and telling them in indirect way "you're terrorists that's why
I left my home and I am down here protecting it." This is uncivilized, Mr.
TV presenters are saying it will be bloody. It will be brutal. It will be
inhumane. That's their expectations. However, my own are ruled by one scene:
burnt mosques and new ones "conquered by Ikhwan." I think, all of
these things happening from burnt mosques which contains holly books, and it's
a holly place after all, to Muslims killing other Muslims for a person who is
also Muslim. I don't think God likes this news, there will be anger arisen
against us from the Mighty, nation. My dreamy reaction maybe destructive
earthquake, maybe a flood, maybe a famine. And the fire... global warming...
epidemics. God will never let some of us suffer. That's what we are promised.
God is fair, but God warned if a majority is corrupted and the minor didn't ask
these to the right route, they would be punished all along. Personally, I am
waiting for this moment. To wake up and find myself beneath my house's blocks
and then an angel tells me that I am already dead. I had nothing to do to stop
what was happening, and I couldn't stand witnessing more, and I wouldn't have
stood mourning over the dead bodies from a natural disaster.
Why natural disaster? I don't want to go that delusional. Hmm, what about war?
The tension between Egypt and America now makes me fantasize that moment when I
wake up to the sound of bombs, run to my phone call my best friend who is in
fact Ikhwani and cry on the phone if she's still there. Everybody will mourn
over everyone. I don't think they will mention who killed them as it's already
known; now he's a conqueror and my right is already gone to grab it out of him.
My blood under his feet is valueless as my fellow's blood was valueless under
my share FB button.
He Is Dead:

Yesterday, 15th of August, my friends lost their teacher.
They all pray for him and I did too. He's a dead soul, whether killed or just
died, I am Muslim and that's what I do; even if who died is not Muslim, that's
how merciful my religion is, praying for everyone for forgiveness. Any who, their
words were affectionate. They touched my heart and partially drove me crazily
worried about my own teacher to give him a call and make sure if he was alive
(yes, that teacher who is mentioned in the second paragraph.) What broke my
heart and make me cry over that man, is his students' posts. It was claimed
that he was killed in Rabaa. As respectable as he sounds, I don't think that's
what he would want from his students. He wouldn't want them to post his picture
with "I knew now who killed you, my dear teacher at Rabaa" caption,
which they mean by it, the military/the police did kill him. I am sure this
teacher's cry now is "Don't mention who killed me! Just say that I died.
Don't say where. Just ask everybody to pray for me. You focused on who killed
me more than my loss. You focused on insulting them than praying for me. You
studied their previous crimes rather than recalling my lessons through which I
taught you the righteous roads. O Lord!"
Maybe he wouldn't have said that. But that's what I would have asked for
personally. Even if I were Ikhwani and who killed me is a policeman while I
don't have a gun, I'd like to be mentioned as dead and ask for a prayer, I wouldn't
want a picture of me and a debate by it, if I were a bloody hellish traitor or
angelic prey. I would just want a prayer. Pure of labels. I don't want you to
count me as a martyr. I care for what God and only God counts me as.
America, Put Your Head At Where Russia Is Giving You Pain:
Dear USA, no one has ever EVER got interfering or even
referring opposition to what you have done in Wall Street protests. This country is free, if they got each other slaughtered, you have no right to be included. Arab Union does. If you want our land, atomic bomb is the only way, which means 50 years to live elsewhere till the toxicity would be off this land. Ha, closed roads everywhere, don't you think?
American crowd, we're not against you. We are against your government, as you would never allow us to interfere in any of your affairs, would you?
The following pictures reveal the Wall Street crimes and violence; and America's multiple violations against the whole world.
Your money is spent to drain innocent's blood. |
Your families are torn apart for one's criminal dream. |
Listen to him. |
She's stating a fact, world. |
Turkey, Your Meat Is Served:
Erdogan, if you think the whole world knows the
protests-are-against-the-gardens-destruction part only, then laugh as hard as
you can, to suffer a heart attack and pass away before being stamped by
additional disgrace. Aside that, how could you be that elastic, man? Yeah
elastic, supporting "Muslim Brotherhood" under the name of Islam and
at the same time you're forgetting the majority of your nation who are crawling
towards being a part of Europe and losing all the Islamic rituals? Can
you comment? The residuals of your nation with brains don't even support you.
They hate your double mask; supporting falsely-called Islamic organization in
Arab country and run to the other side and go astray allowing for example:
legal and regulated prostitution. Is there a denial? No? Cheer for my winning
and your shame, monsieur then.
What's My Mission, Sir?
As a start, I am heartless person. I never put my heart as a
judge. Yes, I am inhumane. I may pierce couple of eye balls with my bare hands
for anyone's (who has a right) wasted blood for revenge. After stepping to
med-school, I canceled that part and it's now obligatory to love all, even my
enemy. Yes, even if I had an Israeli patient, I have to save him.
Drive all this bla-bla to the trash. Via internet, I saw Ikhwanis dead bodies
soaked in blood. A body here and a brain by the corner. No, I am not
happy. No, I am not satisfied. Yes, I am crying hard. Yes, I visualized him as
a terrorist and yes, I've imagined him killing me and no, it didn't lessen my
feeling of deep agony and sympathy to him. I have the right to imprison him and hang him, but I
don't have the right to just shoot him.
That was my opinion as a viewer, but what it's as a soldier? What is really my
"Don't shoot," the commander said. "Don't move," the boss
ordered. In a second, my boss wasn't around, maybe a phone call was in. My
fellow next to me, were shot and dropped, ripped of breaths. My life flashed
before my eyes. My shaking hands moved involuntarily to my gun. My brain
paralyzed to recall our sessions. I pointed at the direction from where the
bullet was released, the terror closed my eyes shut and I pulled the trigger.
What have I done? Was it my right? Oh God, I killed a soul. Forgive me! My back
hurt? Why? I feel like my absent meal was driven to a drainage tunnel at my
back. I touched the zone of pain with fear, it was what I expected. Blood. Wow,
I am dead.
To imagine the scene.
Mmm, wait, no, I'm a policeman who grew much hatred towards these. I had my gun
and fired at them all. These dirty terrorists. I have to kill them, before they
kill me. They are terrorists! It's my mission isn't it? That's why it's legal
for me to have a gun and it's illegal to be with them, isn't it? My mission is
to captivate who does something illegal, correct me if I am wrong! But this
illegal factor is an actual gone which will kill me before I defend myself and
my country, that's why I have to shoot first!
+ 18 Bloody scenes.
NO! I am neither nor, I am a journalist/photographer. You as a protester what would you like
to say? What? F*ck them all? And me? Why? Okay, let's move on to another
interviewee. Why is my breath is cut? What is my shirt turning red? Oh I am
dead! Wait, what have I done? What? I have been in the zone? But, it's my
mission to be here, to have a coverage to find the right path then deliver it
to people. Why?
Watch and feel.
What I wrote is cheesy, right? Okay, I am an Ikhwani. What happened is a coup.
It's a disaster. They will make the country filled up with sluts and alcoholics.
I'll stay here till the end of the road. Till Morsi is back. I just do like you
riots had done in 25th of January 2011, why am I acting as a pain in the head
to you? Isn't it everybody's right? You were a sit in for 14 days, I am a
sit-in till infinity. Till Morsi is back on the throne. I am a Muslim and
that's what I care for! Gun fire from everywhere. I can't spot the source.
Where can I hide? I have a family to feed and I can't head back home. As soon
as I am out of here I have no source from which I can feed my starving family.
I have to stay here. Where can I be protected? Oh, there's my fellow and thank
God he has a gun he will protect me. I will run to him. Finally, a shield.
Let's call out and pray that God support my fellow, the fighter. Amen. Oh, my
side aches. This is not the right time to suffer from my stomach ulcer. This
pain is incomparable. God, be mercy on me. My hands are wetted on the spot of
pain.... why that? Oh! What's that dark fluid? Oh, it is staining my cloth dark
red? Is that really blood? I can't hold my ground. What's happening? Oh, I am
Crying farewells.
So, each lost the definition of his mission. Each don't know
what he's supposed to do. Each wants protection, tho they are scared from your judgment.
Each wants you to pray for him, not ask for hell to burn blue to his flesh.
What he can do? What? Answer me, crazy people, who employed yourselves as a
god, as a final judge! Answer! Hey, did you notice that it's logical that none
of them had actual time to blame any for his death? None cared about his
killer! They knew he's a killer anyway and he'll be killed too. "He can be
from my team, but missed the shot that time. He can be my enemy and God will
punish him anyway," that's most probably their only thought. Or "go
to hell all of you. Who will protect my family from now on?"
DB = Dirtybook:
FB now is just a bunch of dirt. People making up stories to
drive you to take sides. Stories aren't away from reality, like a father crying
over his dead son who was about to get married, then they finish it with
"still supporting military?/ still supporting Ikhwan?" FB posts are
comments of insults and sarcasm. Pretty hurtful. It's like a scene of conjoined
twins who are pulling apart from each other and the common part is bleeding
heavily. I am not a cell in that common line. I am an... antibody traveling
through each one's body finding no destination. Disturbed. Can't find my path
to help. I wonder how many of you is with me? Lost like I am? Feeling guilty
and helpless like I do? Egypt, oh, only you can feel me, poor mother. Only you.
Let's sit, cry and watch Egypt's cloudy days.