Twenty years passed since
he finished college, and now, he's stepping into his forties. He lives in the
house, where he was brought up. He is described as the prince of youth who
evolved to the king of silence. The flashbacks he has from his youthful years
make him shut his eyes hard till they exude proud tears. He sighs secretly which
follows a smile of carelessness. His
days seem to be built of routines. Routines you wish to win a portion of for a
day even.
The neighbors know
nothing about him since his parents died. They just know that if you asked him for a
favor, he would nod accepting your request and accomplish the mission with a
kind smile. They know too that he's a hard working man, as his sister got
married and she never quits visiting him. They wonder why he doesn't give her
the visit instead.
His friends claim
when he turned thirty, they didn't know him anymore. It was before his tragic loss to his dear
parents. He was the most loved. He was always around chanting, laughing and
talking. He was their example for the word "alive," till all of a
sudden, after graduation and the multiple parties they had celebrated together,
he disappeared. He just did. He worked in several places, though he wasn't an
industrial student. He worked for what he likes, hates, related to his college,
not related to his previous studies, luxurious jobs and poor ones. He didn't
have a break. It was that time, he didn't want to enter his house. Awkwardly,
he made no company in all these places he worked at. His language was nods and
smiles. People loved him for that, it took a good deal of time till they realized
that his nature to be that quiet and he has nothing personal against any of his
colleagues. None of the places he worked at gave him the chance to meet his
friends. He wasn't delighted by that coincidence, he didn't care to think about
Hugging his forties
with a new home, yet it was the same flat he grew up in, was neutral. It was
weird that he quit all these jobs he took up. He depended on the money he
saved. He managed his needs. He learnt to sew, he bought the fabrics he liked
and turned them to fashion items for himself. He used to wear each self-handmade for only one day, for that you would never see them afterwards, as he used to give his used-for-one-day clothes to orphan houses, as despite his old age, he was fit as a healthy teenager. He had all the healthy recipes via
internet which made him spend each week 20 pounds maximum. He downloaded PDF
versions of books, printed them and got his artistic side on, to color and
design hard covers for them. His movements were sways. His progress was calm
and genius. He was forty, but acted like a sixty-year-old scientist who is fed
up with his brain which knows about everything and time lays besides him
rolling its eyes as the old man doesn't join its empty races anymore.

His room, meaning the room which was totally his when his parents were alive, is clear of any furniture. It was the room of mirrors as his nephews call it. They don't know that it is his gym. He plays the music loud and starts dancing, laughing, jumping, talking, saluting, doing everything. He talks to people he never met. He dances and laughs with pals he never knew they existed. Afterwards, he has his serious mood on and starts training like a sports coach.
But before that active jam, he stays long in his mini-mosque. The dining room was cleared, it turned a place of shelves filled up with Qur'an and religious books. He stays there for hours. He prays for his parents then his sister, then his nephews. He doesn't ask for forgiveness to his own mistakes, cause he believes that he deserves each time his skin would burn in hell. He reads Qur'an and revise that part he worked hard to memorize the past night. In the end, he drops himself loose on the floor, sweeps his hands through the smooth threads of the carpet. He always asks his sister to visit him, but he never does it as he knows the exaggerated hospitality of his sister and how she would work hard to cook several meals and how this puts pressure on her financial life which doesn't improve because of his useless, still absolutely loved, husband. Of course, if his life was summed up to be boxed by these walls, we would have been narrating the life of a dead man. He randomizes the chances to go out, but it's always by the sunset. He breathes in pure air, let his brain chat with the natural scenes and heart chant the background music.
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