Friday, 1 February 2013

My R-evolution

I was bleeding happily,
I was hurting proudly

I was selling hope for free,
I was chanting cheerful  glee

I was declining to fly overseas,
I was waiting for my dream to be seized

I was buying pessimism to throw it in the wild
Far away from my country's spring rise

I was a change in my small world
I was an inspiration in my poor home

I was a flooding wave of thoughts
Watering people's sterile talks

I was the hero I'd dreamed of as a kid
When I got older, I thought it was fictional a bit

Now, they are offering honor on my grave
While the family living over my tomb, are left to crave

I died for those to live
Not for you to sniff

I died without asking for a company
So why do I have roommates increasingly?

Oh, I died leaving you to the hopelessness
Oh, I died leaving myself to the bitterness

In a blur, I loved my country's revolution
And all of a sudden I underestimated my own evolution

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