Without mentioning any of the insults, cause I have to confess 99% of them I know it's offensive word, but what does it mean? I think this will be my eternal unanswered question and how I am raised up, chains my curiosity not to chase the meaning. A quick hint: I can chain my curiosity , but I can't tame my brain from its useless overthinking; conclusion:
1- Most of
these insults, which are words -and I am weird enough to cherish the word
"words" and derive its letters from the most pure meanings and the
smoothest philosophy-, and these words are about animals. Animals are organisms,
right? You're one of these organisms. You are from the same animal kingdom,
right? I know it's stupid of me to take informal offensive class of discussion
to classy scientific level. This stupidity is a kind of underestimation to you,
more than to me; cause I can't rise the level of discussion with kind of
educated people who don't use their knowledge in their life, a kind of
education which is only activated at work, as if the boss is the catalyst and
the salary is the product.
2- Another big
scale of insults include body organs. Body organs? Really? May be because I am
a "mini-doctor" I can never get the offensiveness of the meaning
hiding its dirt behind these words. Humans, all of them, have "butts"
if we need an example. They say it hides within the filthiness of some
expression, I once had the guts to ask why and I was answered "Because of
its biological function." And that's when I said "Exactly! So, what's
offensive about it? Billionaires do that process, which is "excretion"
if you're lost, am I wrong?" Ministers do, presidents do, everybody, every
living organism do. It's not shameful, it's not offensive. It's ignorant of you
to think it's a bad word. What makes it bad, is the situation you spit the word
in. And if you said that word, this means you have never learnt your God's
miracle to keep your body clean of those wastes.
3- The most ferocious expressions which are said to men in specific and
their meaning is related to women. Women? What the heck is underestimating and
insulting in women to you as a man? Answer! I guess if someone called you
"Lady," this is an honor, dear. Ladies include your mum, granny,
sister, future/current wife, daughter, granddaughter, female cousin or aunt.
So, isn't it an honor? Someone without her presence you wouldn't have come to
life, you wouldn't have been in that respectable class of education, you
wouldn't have had anything to be proud of, you wouldn't have had support, you
wouldn't have had a protector you wouldn't have had a person who has 24-hr-job
praying only for you.
4- "You son of a ..........," someone, who insults your parents,
deserves one reply with a cold crooked smile "You didn't have parents to
raise you up well to tell you what you're saying, gives unacceptable hints
about them and street-rat impression at you."
5- Fingers. I look at the finger they give in movies when the gangster
member is getting angry at the failure of the mission. All I can see, is
phalanges covered with skin. The position of the finger, the middle one. But,
to my surprise, I find the boss shooting that guy just for showing him his
finger. That's when I started "Was that insulting?" Well, as my
family is my usual company when I watch movies, they just show a look of
disapproval, which means that was completely uncensored and I should be
grateful for watching that movie till the end. Anyway, I - don't know how I'd
say it- ehm, don't know what it means precisely, just I know it is pretty bad. I can't see who,
when and why he created such filthy meanings to limbs! A lot of people need
a hand, may be just one finger of those, they are limbless. And you, dear,
should be thankful that you still have limbs and have good use of it, not
useless bad one.
Let's get to the most familiar part: "Insults are just informal jokes with our best friends, so it doesn't
show disrespect as the whole article is about." I can understand the
mission of destroying the ice between you and your friends by every possible way,
but insults won't make it tighter nor more loyal. At some point, it can be the
spark which can turn your friendships to ashes. Try to use in your life some
paradigms which can show truly who you are, and I believe the dirtiness of
these words can never do you any good.
In the end, all I wanna say
insults are nothing, but a tool to express your anger, and it's well known that
anger is an absolute evidence for your weakness. So, insults doesn't show your
strength nor your right in winning something than others; on the contrary, it
shows your ignorant useless educational experience. You can't be called
intellectual while your whole information only entails insulting others,
polluting your own dignity and have the worst view of your ancestors. Bear it
in mind that insults aren't cool at all, cause if it was, I should have bowed
every morning to burglars and thugs. So, let's change this subject from being
uncensored to be obligatory lesson to raise the level of your manners which are
already delicate and honorable.
to all the readers plz doff the hats to youmna's originality !! this was a topic that was just begging to be discussed by you ! chapeau bbe <3
ReplyDeleteBedewy, I LOVE YOUR SUPPORT! xD I was hesitant when it comes to sharing it, but thankfully, I found supporters. :*