Friday, 27 April 2012

I am Muslim and proud

 It is actually better to be written "I am a Muslim AND I love all religions"
Cause actually our religion ordered us to believe in all prophets. So, when terrorists are out and say "We have to fight anyone who is not Muslim" they don't actually belong to Islam. Islam's message is world peace, if you read our history you will know we were living in Prophet Mohammed PBUH era Muslims, Christians and Jews all together peacefully.   
The photo shows that not all Muslims veiled, we are free to wear it or not.

Being a Muslim never ban us to be a feminist or something. Our religion encourages us to learn and stand for what we believe in as long as it is not a taboo. If also you read about Islam's history you will find out that we were pioneers in knowledge along with other religions but I mean being Islam ruling didn't stop knowledge and inventions. 

 You can find Muslims from different nations, with different thoughts and cultural views! Just like any other religion you will find it spread world wide. Instead of wondering how Islam doesn't include Arabs only and it spread to different nations, read books which is written by Muslims so the information is surely correct. I don't mean convert your religion but I just want you to change this point of view about Islam that we are people with camels, walking down the streets with swords, killing whoever not veiled or without beard and we become terrorists if we stepped out our land, believe me all those wrong thoughts about Islam and Muslims is because of political enemies nothing more.   

 Islam wasn't spread by the sword, violence nor obligatory orders. The proof the Islamic countries' citizens are not all Muslims, they are Muslims, Christians and Jews. When someone converts to Islam, it is not cause a Muslim forced him to but we do nothing but providing who wants to know about Islam information, we don't lie, we say everything directly with evidences. But when you want to know about Islam don't ask any Muslim like me cause it is the best to learn about Islam from a preacher.  

Wearing a hijab doesn't forbid doing sports. It is actually from the most important things. Swimming, riding horses and fencing was encouraged cause it was according the era back then. Anyway Islam is all about freedom and peace. I can't talk deeper or further than this about the subject as I am a Muslim but I am not a preacher. I just ask you not to categorize Muslims with negative thoughts because it is far away from the truth.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Had To Shut Up!

   Some people seem to you useless, otherwise they are flawless, may be we would call it "Jealousy" to see someone successful for saying their thoughts loud while you bury it deep down. You hear the applause to him while you were right there in that mean instant about to do the same thing, but he had faster steps....or luck.
   Well, if you are an Egyptian you may suffer the same now -somehow-. When you meet a spoiled guy talking about politics and you find the crowd "Hurray" while you're the one who knows well about politics, your words sounds to the crowd "Is he repeating what the other has just said?" so, you would prefer to stay silent.
  There is a lot of political changes around. If you didn't talk about them, everybody will call you "Bubblehead", "La La Land citizen",..anything which doesn't resemble you. To be honest, those people who will call you that, are your closest friends that's when they come up with the issue, they look at you "No, dude, it is not directed to you. We are talking about things not related to you. Haha!" They don't mean to hurt you, but as you are not talking about politics nowadays it is like "Oh! Alien" o_O
   I know what I am going to say now will sound for you "Paradox?" not that much indeed. If you know about politics, read history, read daily journals, watch videos for wise thinkers, attending debates,..etc so, go for it, let your opinion be heard BUT the barrier you will find on your way that there is always an opposition, not everyone think by the same way you do. Anyway, don't let someone knock you down as long as you believe you are right, get evidences to beat whoever opposing your opinion. In the same time, if you found out you were wrong and your sources were fake, don't fight anymore it is not a battle, say out loud you were wrong and start to show respect to whom you were opposing. Mmm, I am afraid to start that part which will make you tell me "You are saying the opposite now!" I will say it anyway. I wish all those people who are intellectual and truly into politics to stop talking for a while. It became FASHIONABLE to talk about politics, as if it is a Coco Channel trend to follow! It made me insane and angry! People, who know nothing but football and "TV shows," talk about politics. I wish they were saying useful words, but they are actually having meaningless talks! When you start to ask them and have a chitchat, how stupid they sound makes you feel "Don't want to live on this planet anymore." You feel, they are parrots to what was said around, if it was said by a president, a TV presenter, their parents, the doorway guard,..etc! They just want to talk! So if the thinkers disappeared for a while so those people -who are talking about politics with no BACKGROUND- would shut up and recognize it is not their interest.
    Politics world began to be similar, but identical to celebrities world. It began to be a place for rumors, gossiping AND MOST IRRITATING THING TO ME "INSULTS"!!!!!!!!! Come on! Politics is a science, who knew it, who learnt it, is someone with developed mind, sophisticated manners!! Being Soliman in the race of presidency, of course, made me shocked "Should I pack my things and leave now" thought came to my mind. It is something which deserved saying a loud "No" for it, but not with THOUSANDS insults on FB! I know it's aim is sarcasm and a-wake-up-call to people who don't know that it is wrong, but can you just use your knowledge, enjoy your creativity and liberty with manners?!
   Any who, if you met someone and he ignored your talks about politics, it doesn't mean he is in "La la land" or he is not a patriot or he is illiterate. He just doesn't want to talk about it as a "fashionable trend" he just leave it to the professionals! :)

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Common Incident?!

When you write long essays, you feel the words, soar with them, flying away in another world, where the sun is up and shiny still it's rays are warm, where your teacher says "Oh! You gonna be inspiration, son," where your friends pass by and say "Man, that was awesome" and your crush says "You are talented". Then suddenly you wink, just a snap out of fancy to reality, you roll your eyes across the words imagining what each person in that place would say, make fun of it/ bully you/ interrupt/ sometimes you have this assumption "I will stutter!!" Then you found yourself in a dark cave where you are sweating, your eyes can't rest, spreading their vision in the corners, afraid to face the light as if you are a criminal who has to confess.
You have this difficult moment when you are squeezing the paper hard in your hand, then you have this last glance at it, then this final step when you cut it into pieces and throw it away. I can't deny you may find some tears trapped in your eyes having that feeling "Ha! Who was I kidding? I never meant to be a writer and I am such an idiot to expect myself to be an inspiration! Like come on what I'd written is what in everybody's mind, I didn't come up with something new!"

First, here I am, I am not a writer, I am not good AT ALL at writing. I read books and magazines. I read my friend's poems and articles and believe me they are way better than me! Yes, I confess I feel down when I do read all those works because, if I will compare SURE I am mentally retarded. So the question, why am I writing now and have a blog like this? Can't deny I thank God that no one comments! I don't want to know more how horrible I am at writing. But the reason why I am still posting is, writing is an art, and art, in my point of view, has no rules. You can't read an article and say it is stupid cause may be you are not that wise to read it from another prospect which may inspire a kid to be a scientist. Your words -however they are simple or complicated- you will find someone loving them, someone who went through that feeling/experience/agree with your point about something. Never throw your writings away, never hide them in your drawer because that will be greedy. There is always someone out there waiting for your words cause he is lost and he can't find them. Share your thoughts and write even you think it is stupid or useless for somebody else it doesn't. You can be a change to a better world.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Young Wrinkled Dragon

You are the dragon who mocks
You are the dragon who eats meat and rocks

You are the dragon with the colored eyes
Flawless beauty but your sins never die

They crack your face and your wrinkles appear
So you fly up and set fire to your fear

Fall hard into the water to lay your tears
Come up with a laughter which the world hears

A war is on, deep in your soul
But you think being cruel makes you strong

Thinking no one cares, no one is loyal
So you sign in other's life as blood-boiler

All who sees you, runs away, freaked out
"I don't care" you scream and shout

Still you need real friends instead of your evil witches
This thought keeps rolling in your brain till it twitches

Take off your young dragon wrinkled mask
There is some good in your world will appear if you ask

Monday, 2 April 2012

My Message to Ex-President Mubarak before the revolution

لم اصبح المتحدث باسم الحق من المجانين؟
لم اصبح شبابنا ذا عقول تافهة فاشلين؟
لم لا تسمع شكوانا دون ان نكون مشاغبين؟
لم تعاملنا كأننا لحكمك معاندين رافضين؟
لم لا تعترف بأخطائك و سنسامحك غير غاضبين؟
فأنت منا و نحن منك فلم يوجد جنود بيننا فاصلين؟
أمن السهل أن تقابل ربك و أنت من الظالمين؟
فعندما خسرت اعز الناس اليك حزنا كلنا غير شامتين!
و اذا عملت لنعيش فى سلام قدرناك صامتين!
صامتين على من وثقت فيهم و نعيش تحت ظلهم خائفين!
بل اطلقونا فى الشوارع حتى اصبح شبابنا ثعابين
يعملون مع الاعداء و الى انفسهم غير لائمين
يقولون "لم نرد ان نكون فقراء مساكين
كل ثانية ننتظر مساعدة حتى بتعليمنا غير مستفيدين"
انظر الى الفن المصرى المعاصر العابث بالدين
فانه ممثل لمصر و لثقافتنا امام العالم مهين
كيف يقول "انا وزير انا من المسلمين"
و هو بكون الحجاب فرض ليس من العالمين
كيف نكون نحن -براعم الجيل- الى الظلم ملامسين؟
كيف نقول "يأسنا" و نحن لحياتنا لسنا معرفين؟
كيف نقول اننا متقدمين و لكن فى الحقيقة اننا باميتنا محافظين
اسئلة القيناها على المسئولين
و هم ارشدونا ان نتوجه اليك معاتبين

Lost Identity

She went to search for herself 
The one she left on the shelf
The one she thought won't fit!

She said "Oh I gonna be brand new
with a smile and may be nice shoes"
She stared at the mirror and she saw the same
The same old her with no fascinating change

Not satisfied at all
She felt haters were around her home
She ran to the room and slept for a week
Refusing to hear a word or even speak

Pain was what she felt
She cried and she screamed
But no, she couldn't find any remedies
Her friends were around her bed
Some phone texting and other worried like hell

But only some felt her pain
Accessed her thoughts and got into her brain
They said: "Hold on! We are here!
We love the new you and the old you who disappeared
We are ready to take the scar
on our loyal hearts
But just your smile means the world
Open up your eyes and say 'I am strong'"
They said: "We are ready to take the risk
Use us for your aim
Even it will drive us insane"

She rose and cried in their arms saying 
"Where were you?
I searched everywhere but I didn't have a clue
I thought people look glorious and I am too
But I ran out of shine when I lived without you
With you my laughter was real
With them it is just showing teeth
May be they will call me beautiful
You know sounds cool from a celebrity
When I heard it a lot
I started to doubt
Did I make a joke out of me and I was the maid drove around?
I was addicted to how life glowed when they were next to me 
How much pride I felt when they invited me to their parties
Then I found I was the doll they liked to play with
They were the gang and I am the unwanted prey
But they loved keeping it for its beauty!
Now who I am? Hypocrite to get the fame?
Or a fan of life and its amazing cruel game?
But with you I can be back again"
They said "You are our queen whatever had been said"

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Categorizing People :S

In a country like Egypt, you will notice different social classes. If you become a close friend to each one of them you would, first, get lost, second laugh. You will meet the following:
        a) the poor fellow who is silent and hides when he sees you just because you seem luxurious. So, he always has that fear that you would make fun of him and even if you have a pound more than him he steps away from you afraid to get introduced to a world would make him hates his reality!
        b) Another poor fellow who is amazed by the way you look and the way you talk. So, the first eye contact, he smiles at you and he puts in his mind "The day I will be his friend, it will be my life turning point" He makes you his own inspiration, the person who is apparently financially comfortable with nice friends and a family of high ranks. For you it will be like "Freak Out" Your thoughts will seize you in "he wants to use me" thought. While you could just look at the bright side "Oh I am someone's inspiration" and thanks Allah and your family that made you somehow perfect that you became someone's inspiration.
       c) Intermediate fellow who is common between the two classes, well, in my opinion his life is the best ONLY when he treats BOTH WELL. When he is loyal to his poor fellow, proud to hang out with him, stand next to him whatever was the consequences and never makes him feel like there is luxurious life he is missing out there as long as he is not capable to do it. When he is with his -may call them- "rich" friend he is being himself, shares with him his sad and happy moments, never make fun of his style of talking when he is away or how spoiled he might be and he never spreads his secrets. All in all, I think intermediate fellow is perfect ONLY when he is treating both because, he would have the experience of what real sorrow is from the poor one and what real aim and reaching to the top does mean from the "rich" one.
       d) Another intermediate fellow but that type I wish you never meet!!! He is a snob with everybody even those he know well that they belong to way higher social class than his, but he still acts like..... silly celebrity who is not talented and has no fans but still smile to the camera and say "I am proud of my work! It is all for the fans" :S He seem to intend to hurt the poor fellow's feeling, you feel like he is kinda bullying. (I can't deny there is bullying "poor fellows" but it is back to the "snobs" who never get them a chance to be what they want to be.) Anyway sometimes that kind of person always wants the world to spin round him ONLY! And surprisingly his friends stand him, because his ego gives him prestige, and for a society mainly cares about appearance, this Cruel type -for me he is- survives.
      e) Rich fellow and you may notice he is Rich, not "Rich" You will get my point later. He is a rich dude, wears fine, intellectual, his education add respect to his prestige. He always talk and say "We" he doesn't mention who his parents are unless he is asked, yes he is proud of them but he wants his friends to be For him not For who his parents are. He talks with everybody, he doesn't have this "categorizing my colleagues" option. He always notice who cares for him from the lower classes and he cares back, even more. He loves his friends from the same class since they get him fast. That kind of man we call him "Well raised" "Rare species of gentle men" cause it is well-known that money ruin people specially who was born having them.
      d) Another rich fellow he is not a snob but he is so kind that may people call him dork! He trust everyone never noticed there is difference between people's social classes, he just LIVING. Never care to think. He can be a close friend to a poor fellow BUT his same category friends pull him inside their shell.
      e) Another the "rich" fellow (I have talked about the previous paragraph) I consider him doesn't exist, cause he's always talking in another language, talking about another countries, trying to listen to musicians hard for you to know them. Just he enjoys drawing barriers between him and his real community thinking that this would be the best thing ever to feel superior to others. Don't blame him! He thinks those "others" are "losers" I mean he blames them for not working enough hard to be just like him! Haha! he doesn't know how life is hard. Still don't blame him who raised him up forgot to tell him "Never keep yourself in a shell where you are comfortable, you have to get out and mingle so when your shell is crashed you will know how to adapt."
The most irritating thing that I had to mention "adjectives" which for me will sound somehow racist but I had to let you get my point. Anyway, I don't mean what I've said is RULES or KEY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR SOCIETY never. You will find exceptions bad one, good one it is your fate. Just don't forget to meet everybody with a smile, dig into their past cause may be that "bad/evil/whatsoever makes them looks negatively odd" part we see in them is just a consequence of terrible past which obliged them to be who they are. Never look down at somebody and being humble is the best.