Saturday 7 April 2012

Common Incident?!

When you write long essays, you feel the words, soar with them, flying away in another world, where the sun is up and shiny still it's rays are warm, where your teacher says "Oh! You gonna be inspiration, son," where your friends pass by and say "Man, that was awesome" and your crush says "You are talented". Then suddenly you wink, just a snap out of fancy to reality, you roll your eyes across the words imagining what each person in that place would say, make fun of it/ bully you/ interrupt/ sometimes you have this assumption "I will stutter!!" Then you found yourself in a dark cave where you are sweating, your eyes can't rest, spreading their vision in the corners, afraid to face the light as if you are a criminal who has to confess.
You have this difficult moment when you are squeezing the paper hard in your hand, then you have this last glance at it, then this final step when you cut it into pieces and throw it away. I can't deny you may find some tears trapped in your eyes having that feeling "Ha! Who was I kidding? I never meant to be a writer and I am such an idiot to expect myself to be an inspiration! Like come on what I'd written is what in everybody's mind, I didn't come up with something new!"

First, here I am, I am not a writer, I am not good AT ALL at writing. I read books and magazines. I read my friend's poems and articles and believe me they are way better than me! Yes, I confess I feel down when I do read all those works because, if I will compare SURE I am mentally retarded. So the question, why am I writing now and have a blog like this? Can't deny I thank God that no one comments! I don't want to know more how horrible I am at writing. But the reason why I am still posting is, writing is an art, and art, in my point of view, has no rules. You can't read an article and say it is stupid cause may be you are not that wise to read it from another prospect which may inspire a kid to be a scientist. Your words -however they are simple or complicated- you will find someone loving them, someone who went through that feeling/experience/agree with your point about something. Never throw your writings away, never hide them in your drawer because that will be greedy. There is always someone out there waiting for your words cause he is lost and he can't find them. Share your thoughts and write even you think it is stupid or useless for somebody else it doesn't. You can be a change to a better world.

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