Monday, 2 April 2012

Lost Identity

She went to search for herself 
The one she left on the shelf
The one she thought won't fit!

She said "Oh I gonna be brand new
with a smile and may be nice shoes"
She stared at the mirror and she saw the same
The same old her with no fascinating change

Not satisfied at all
She felt haters were around her home
She ran to the room and slept for a week
Refusing to hear a word or even speak

Pain was what she felt
She cried and she screamed
But no, she couldn't find any remedies
Her friends were around her bed
Some phone texting and other worried like hell

But only some felt her pain
Accessed her thoughts and got into her brain
They said: "Hold on! We are here!
We love the new you and the old you who disappeared
We are ready to take the scar
on our loyal hearts
But just your smile means the world
Open up your eyes and say 'I am strong'"
They said: "We are ready to take the risk
Use us for your aim
Even it will drive us insane"

She rose and cried in their arms saying 
"Where were you?
I searched everywhere but I didn't have a clue
I thought people look glorious and I am too
But I ran out of shine when I lived without you
With you my laughter was real
With them it is just showing teeth
May be they will call me beautiful
You know sounds cool from a celebrity
When I heard it a lot
I started to doubt
Did I make a joke out of me and I was the maid drove around?
I was addicted to how life glowed when they were next to me 
How much pride I felt when they invited me to their parties
Then I found I was the doll they liked to play with
They were the gang and I am the unwanted prey
But they loved keeping it for its beauty!
Now who I am? Hypocrite to get the fame?
Or a fan of life and its amazing cruel game?
But with you I can be back again"
They said "You are our queen whatever had been said"

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