Well, if you are an Egyptian you may suffer the same now -somehow-. When you meet a spoiled guy talking about politics and you find the crowd "Hurray" while you're the one who knows well about politics, your words sounds to the crowd "Is he repeating what the other has just said?" so, you would prefer to stay silent.
There is a lot of political changes around. If you didn't talk about them, everybody will call you "Bubblehead", "La La Land citizen",..anything which doesn't resemble you. To be honest, those people who will call you that, are your closest friends that's when they come up with the issue, they look at you "No, dude, it is not directed to you. We are talking about things not related to you. Haha!" They don't mean to hurt you, but as you are not talking about politics nowadays it is like "Oh! Alien" o_O
I know what I am going to say now will sound for you "Paradox?" not that much indeed. If you know about politics, read history, read daily journals, watch videos for wise thinkers, attending debates,..etc so, go for it, let your opinion be heard BUT the barrier you will find on your way that there is always an opposition, not everyone think by the same way you do. Anyway, don't let someone knock you down as long as you believe you are right, get evidences to beat whoever opposing your opinion. In the same time, if you found out you were wrong and your sources were fake, don't fight anymore it is not a battle, say out loud you were wrong and start to show respect to whom you were opposing. Mmm, I am afraid to start that part which will make you tell me "You are saying the opposite now!" I will say it anyway. I wish all those people who are intellectual and truly into politics to stop talking for a while. It became FASHIONABLE to talk about politics, as if it is a Coco Channel trend to follow! It made me insane and angry! People, who know nothing but football and "TV shows," talk about politics. I wish they were saying useful words, but they are actually having meaningless talks! When you start to ask them and have a chitchat, how stupid they sound makes you feel "Don't want to live on this planet anymore." You feel, they are parrots to what was said around, if it was said by a president, a TV presenter, their parents, the doorway guard,..etc! They just want to talk! So if the thinkers disappeared for a while so those people -who are talking about politics with no BACKGROUND- would shut up and recognize it is not their interest.
Politics world began to be similar, but identical to celebrities world. It began to be a place for rumors, gossiping AND MOST IRRITATING THING TO ME "INSULTS"!!!!!!!!! Come on! Politics is a science, who knew it, who learnt it, is someone with developed mind, sophisticated manners!! Being Soliman in the race of presidency, of course, made me shocked "Should I pack my things and leave now" thought came to my mind. It is something which deserved saying a loud "No" for it, but not with THOUSANDS insults on FB! I know it's aim is sarcasm and a-wake-up-call to people who don't know that it is wrong, but can you just use your knowledge, enjoy your creativity and liberty with manners?!
Any who, if you met someone and he ignored your talks about politics, it doesn't mean he is in "La la land" or he is not a patriot or he is illiterate. He just doesn't want to talk about it as a "fashionable trend" he just leave it to the professionals! :)
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