Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Wind

Let the wind play with my hair so I can laugh
Let the wind push me so I can walk
Let the wind dry my tears so I can smile
Let the wind drop me so I can feel weak
Push me to weep and cry
Make me feel relieved
Let the wind sing so I can remember
How I struggled long ago and had to be stronger
Let the wind drive my friends to me so they can get me up
I feel always better when they are around having fun
Let the wind fight with the sea so I can enjoy the scene
When I feel the sea shouting at me saying stick to your dream
Let the wind play with a kid's kite
When he laughs and holds the rope tight
Let the wind bring that smell which brings memories
When I look into nothing revising my diaries
When I remember exam's days & trips
When I remember my teachers & friends
When I feel safety specially in the feast
When we thought that the angels were passing by and the smell was their greets
Let the wind's blow mixes with someone's sorrow
Drive them to a beam of light to follow
Let the wind spread rain's drops
Which cleans up all my thoughts
Let the wind bring my taken breath back
Let it heal my broken heart which was attacked
By fake disloyal so-called friends
Let the wind blow till the end

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